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Landmark Outreach offers courses and PD sessions on a variety of topics related to dyslexia and other SLDs. Here are two sample descriptions:

Unpacking the Science of Reading to Inform Literacy Instruction

This session will provide an overview of the Science of Reading, which is an ever-growing body of research that explains and analyzes how the brain learns to read. The human brain was not wired for reading. It is not an innate skill that people develop naturally such as listening and speaking. Instead, reading must be taught through an explicit, multimodal approach. In this session, participants will learn more about the Science of Reading. In addition, the presenter will share a variety of research-based best practices to support students’ literacy achievement.

Instructional Strategies to Support Students’ Executive Function Skills

This presentation will provide participants with an overview of executive function and strategies to support students’ study skills. Study skills are defined as the effective organization of materials, time, and language. While the development of study skills can benefit all learners’ executive function, study skills instruction will be presented as a response to skill deficits resulting from a language-based learning disability and/or executive function weakness. A variety of strategies, tools, and resources to support students’ management of their time, information, and materials ⎼ both online and physical materials ⎼ will be shared.

Interested in more topics? See the list below.