A collaboration between the Landmark School Outreach Program and Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU)

The following courses have been developed and are taught by veteran Landmark faculty. They are offered through a partnership with SNHU as part of their online master’s and certificate programs in dyslexia studies & language-based learning disabilities.


SPED 610

Students with language-based learning disabilities (LBLD) often struggle with the cognitive and self-regulating tasks associated with executive function, such as organizing time, materials, information; preparing for work; managing frustration; accessing memory; and self-monitoring progress. This course introduces educators to research-based strategies for study skills that strengthen executive function. The course explores relevant research on language-based learning disabilities and executive function, yet the emphasis will be placed on the practical teaching skills drawn from Landmark’s Six Teaching Principles™. These principles, integrated throughout the course, encourage teachers to plan opportunities for students to achieve success, use multiple instructional modalities, break tasks into components, build skill automatization through practice and review, provide models, and include the student in the learning process.


SPED 630

This course focuses on the strategies and skills for supporting expressive language skills for students with dyslexia and other language-based learning disabilities, primarily for writing. The course introduces the concepts of scaffolding the writing process, using a hierarchy of skills to build appropriate foundational skills sets, and understanding the hidden demands of writing for students with language-based learning disabilities. Students in this course will draw from relevant research on expressive language arts to develop practical teaching strategies for their own learning environments.


SPED 635

This course provides a survey of effective reading interventions drawn from research-based practice for students with dyslexia and other language-based learning disabilities. Students in the course will integrate appropriate diagnosis strategies, engage with the current research analyses on reading and language-based learning disabilities (LBLD), and develop practical strategies for supporting learners in developing the phonemic awareness, decoding patterns, and sound-symbol relationships that improve reading fluency.


SPED 640

Creating a supportive, effective, and well-structured language-based classroom is a key strategy for supporting students with language-based learning disabilities, though the principles apply to effective instruction for a variety of learners. This course will provide an in-depth analysis of teaching principles and academic planning strategies implemented successfully as well as other K-12 language-based environments. Emphasis will be placed on the establishment of proper classroom resources as well as how to arrange them within the physical classroom space.


SPED 650

Developing effective self-esteem, emotional competence, and self-advocacy skills can be particularly difficult for learners with language-based learning disabilities. This course focuses on the support for learners in identifying their own learning profile and recognizing their own needs in terms of learning and communication aids. Research on multiple intelligences provides a framework for understanding how to support learners in strengthening their social and emotional skills and efficacy.

Enrollment and specific program questions should be directed to SNHU at 888.387.0861 | enroll@snhu.edu