Webinar Description

As students enter middle and high school, the pace, volume, and complexity of their work increases. They are likely managing expectations from multiple teachers and keeping track of assignments that have overlapping timelines. These new challenges require strong executive functioning and the application of strategies that may not come naturally to many students, especially those who also have language-based learning disabilities (LBLD). This webinar will provide an overview of the comorbidity that exists between LBLD and executive function with a focus on valuable classroom strategies that can help students in upper grades meet their goals. Join Outreach Associate Director Keryn Kwedor in conversation with former Landmark High School (and current Lexington High School) teacher Pauline Samuelsen to learn more.

Webinar Logistics

  • Type: Webinars for Educators
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Attendance: This session is offered in both live and on-demand formats. To access either format, please register before the live presentation is held. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link. You may then use the same Zoom link to both watch live and view the recording.
  • Platform: Zoom. Login credentials emailed before the course begins


Middle and High School Levels 


All materials will be shared electronically.


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