During this 2-day course, educators will learn how to present mathematical concepts in a way that builds their students’ problem solving tool-kits. Participants will study the ways in which math problems are presented, and how they can be adjusted in order to boost student engagement. This seminar will also cover ways to enhance note-taking and study skills within the math classroom so that students feel equipped to tackle problems from a variety of approaches. 

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of teaching note-taking in math
  • Guide students in building interactive notebooks to use as a developing resource
  • Create math problems that support students in becoming problem solvers and encourage them to utilize previously created resources
  • Generate practice problems that give students an opportunity to cycle back to previously learned skills


This course is appropriate for educators at the middle and high school levels. 


Materials will be provided on-site.

Graduate Credit

There is an option to add one (1) graduate credit to this 2-day course from Fitchburg State University. Graduate credit is optional; the cost is $210 and the non-refundable payment is made directly to Fitchburg. The timeline to opt into graduate credit is firm and details will be available once the course begins so you can make your final decision at that time.

Additional Course Logistics

  • Delivery mode: In-person.
  • Attendance: Live, on the date and time listed in the course information section.