Please note: The live session has taken place. For recording access, please register now and you will receive log in information via email. The webinar recording will expire one month after the live date of the session, which is listed above.

Webinar Description

In this webinar, we will review the stages of second language acquisition and explain key terms related to multilingual learners (MLs). Educators will be introduced to instructional strategies to assist MLs identified with Language-Based Learning Disabilities (LBLDs) in managing classroom language demands (i.e., navigating spoken and written language tasks). Also, Landmark’s Six Teaching Principles™ will be examined through the lens of instructing MLs. Join Linda Gross as she shares insights on this topic from the perspective of a monolingual speech-language pathologist and educational coach.

Webinar Logistics

  • Type: Webinars for Educators
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Attendance: This session is offered in both live and on-demand formats. To access either format, please register before the live presentation is held. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link. You may then use the same Zoom link to both watch live and view the recording.
  • Platform: Zoom. Login credentials emailed before the course begins


All Grade Levels


All materials will be shared electronically.


We do not issue certificates for webinars. Emails with general session information will be sent within 48 hours of the webinar. Please check your spam folder!