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Elementary students seated on a circle rug with their seated teacher.

Oct 19, 2017

What is Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)?

Why Social-Emotional Skills? According to a study by Beauchemin et al, students with learning disabilities often have higher levels of anxiety, more school-related stress, and less optimal social skills compared with their typically developing peers. More specifically, Rick Lavoie addresses a list of social-emotional challenges for students with learning differences in his article, “Social Competence

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Teacher standing in front of a white board instructing elementary students seated in a horseshoe.

Aug 29, 2017

Language-Based Classroom Environment

Students in a language-based classroom benefit from small group instruction, ideally with 3-7 students. As a result, ample opportunities exist for teacher modeling, facilitated discussion, positive reinforcement, informal assessment, and most importantly, practice and review of information. In addition, certified, experienced and professionally trained teachers should deliver instruction, in collaboration with corresponding specialists such as

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Language-Based Learning Disabilities book cover.

Jun 16, 2017

What are Language-Based Learning Disabilities (LBLD)?

Like all learning disabilities, LBLD results from a combination of neurobiological differences (variations in the way an individual’s brain functions) and environmental factors (e.g., the learning setting, the type of instruction). The key to supporting students with LBLD is knowing how to adjust curriculum and instruction to ensure they develop proficient language and literacy skills.

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Students studying anatomy using a 3D model.

May 18, 2017

Using Appropriate Technology to Access Curriculum

May 18, 2017 Technology Review While there are a variety of technological tools that can be used to aid students as they access curriculum, technology should never replace skill instruction. Teachers should be intentional about which programs and apps they choose to incorporate, as well as how they plan to utilize them within their lessons. Technology

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An outline of a brain in the sky with confusing yellow road signs.

Mar 9, 2017

Executive Function and Attention

CHADD, the National Resource on ADHD, concisely summarizes the executive function theories of two leading researchers: Thomas Brown and Russell Barkley. This web page provides each researcher’s definition of executive function, as well as a breakdown of its components, its impact on attention, and the link between executive function and ADHD.  This specific page is part of a larger site

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Two professionally dressed adults walking in office corridor.

Feb 15, 2017

Patterns of Successful Individuals with Dyslexia

The Dyslexic Advantage site features research done by Julie Logan of Cass Business School, City University London, outlining common patterns among successful entrepreneurs with dyslexia.  

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A stack of Landmark Outreach books and publications.

Feb 8, 2017

Landmark’s Six Teaching Principles™

Teaching Principle #1: Provide Opportunities for Success Providing students with opportunities for success is key. Failure and poor self-esteem often result when teachers challenge students beyond their ability. Landmark begins teaching students at their current level of ability. This approach improves basic skills and enhances confidence. As Landmark teachers introduce each new skill, they provide

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High school student students seated in library reading books.

Feb 3, 2017

Plasticity and Dyslexia

A new study done by John Gabrieli, a member of MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research, reveals that, instead of viewing dyslexia as a language processing disorder, he found evidence that dyslexia might be a neural adaptation disorder. This theory means that people with dyslexia have less plasticity in developing neural pathways, which can explain the difficulty

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A small group of elementary students seated in a circle with open books.

Jan 16, 2017

Link between Language Processing and Executive Function

This peer-reviewed research from the National Institutes of Health outlines a study that shows the connection between children’s ability to interpret and reinterpret ambiguous sentences and their executive function skills.

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Free Resources for Educators

Learn about recent research and explore instructional strategies to support your students with SLD.

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