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A teacher presenting at the white board in a classroom full of elementary students.

Dec 14, 2016

Working Memory and Dyslexia

This summary of the study “The Structure of Working Memory in Young Children and its Relation to Intelligence,” done by the University of Missouri Columbia College of Arts and Science professors Shelley Gray and Mary Lou Fulton, explores the link between working memory, attention, and learning.

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Electric current with rainbow colors.

Oct 12, 2016

Word Atlas in our Brains

The Guardian summarizes new research that reveals how the meaning of words are organized across regions of the brain.  Through neuroimaging, the study’s participants exhibited that not just one area, but many interconnected regions of the brain light up when they hear words.

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A young boy raising his hand.

Oct 5, 2016

Metacognition: Concept Maps

This research outlines how using metacognition concept maps can help students think about their own thinking, show relationships, and encourage students to make deep connections between topics.

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Various colored key with positive skills written on them.

Sep 13, 2016

Lesson Planning Strategies

Strong lesson planning strategies are the cornerstone of good teaching. Many of our resources have focused on working memory and processing speed under the umbrella of Executive Function. Within those two topics, the role of anxiety and the fundamentals of Cognitive Load Theory have also been introduced. Executive Function: Dr. Thomas E. Brown’s article explores

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A brain with rays of light coming out.

Sep 7, 2016

Cognitive Load Theory

What is Cognitive Load Theory?  Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) supports the idea that students can learn only if their mental capacity is not overloaded. In relation to this theory, it is important to be aware of the amount of information a student is asked to learn. When an overload occurs, there is often an increase in

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An analog watch on a table.

Sep 5, 2016

Processing Speed: Classroom Strategies

Slow processing speed can impact student  performance in the classroom. Processing speed is simply the speed at which someone does something. It involves the ability to perceive information (auditory or visual), understand that information, and then formulate a response, whether oral, written, or physical. This process can be cumbersome, as it takes larger amounts of

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Magnified "Anxiety" word illustration on white background.

Sep 2, 2016

Working Memory and Anxiety

How Does Anxiety Impact Working Memory? Based on the above information, students with working memory deficits experience anxiety within the classroom because of their inability to keep up in general. In addition, high anxiety puts demands on your working memory. “Your emotional state can play a role in working memory performance, which can in turn

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A unhappy high school student sitting among books.

Sep 2, 2016

Understanding Processing Speed

There are three main components when considering processing abilities: visual processing: how quickly our eyes perceive information and relay it to the brain (such as reading directions) verbal processing: how quickly we hear a stimulus and react to it (such as following oral instructions) motor speed: fine motor agility (academic fluency such as timed math worksheets) How

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Elementary students are focused on working independently on an assignment.

Sep 1, 2016

What is Executive Function?

Impact on Schooling Landmark Outreach has publications that synthesize the research and outline how best support students’ executive function skills in the classroom. According to Patricia W. Newhall author of Language-Based Learning Series: Executive Function: Foundations for Learning and Teaching, “Executive Function is the brain’s ability to coordinate the cognitive and psychological processes needed to

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Free Resources for Educators

Learn about recent research and explore instructional strategies to support your students with SLD.

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