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Jul 26, 2016
The Research Writing Process
Updated February 13, 2023 Why do students with LD struggle with the research and writing process? In their review of recent research into writing interventions for students with learning disabilities, Amy Gillespie Rouse and Ashley Sandoval (2018) make the following observation: “Compared to their peers without learning disabilities, these students spend less time planning for
Read StrategyJul 26, 2016
Taking Purposeful Research Notes
Research can be a tedious and difficult process. When it comes to taking meaningful notes and organizing them effectively, many students get overwhelmed. Some get stuck on this stage, while others skip it all together, making the research process even more frustrating. Use this method to help your students take notes for research projects in
Read StrategyJul 21, 2016
Basic Time Management Skills
Explicitly teaching basic time management skills is an important part of language-based instruction. Being able to tell clock time is different from understanding the concept of time. Many students can read the clock perfectly well, but when asked to estimate how long an assignment will take, they can seldom provide an accurate answer. While some
Read StrategyJul 20, 2016
Informal Assessment
While formal assessment measures can give a picture of student performance as measured against peers using normed references, it is informal assessment that teachers most frequently use to improve, modify, adapt, and accommodate instruction as a means to maximize student learning as measured through their performance. Informal assessment measures are a key component of diagnostic
Read StrategyJul 18, 2016
Games to Reinforce Reading and Spelling
Not only does this type of instruction assist students with the acquisition of reading skills, but it can also support spelling. Additional educational research highlights that the skills of reading and spelling are very closely linked and require an understanding of the same basic language skills, such as knowing that sounds are represented by letters.
Read StrategyJul 16, 2016
Receptive and Expressive Language and Specific Learning Disabilities
The skills of listening and speaking in the classroom fall into two categories: Receptive Language These skills enable us to comprehend spoken and written words and sentences, as well as non-verbal communication. Difficulty with receptive language can present tremendous challenges with learning and social interaction in the classroom. Students who have difficulty in receptive language
Read StrategyJul 13, 2016
Executive Function: Activation Routines
Educators can support students executive functions and help them get started through creating consistent activation routines. Several Outreach resources are related to six aspects of executive function: activation, focus, effort, emotion, memory, and action.1 In addition, we’ll continue to organize the resources in relation to Landmark’s Six Teaching Principles™. This resource focuses on strategies to activate students toward
Read StrategyJul 13, 2016
Working Memory: Classroom Strategies
What is working memory? Working memory requires the brain to learn and manipulate new information in such a way that it can be translated into long-term memory and referenced again. It is essentially the work station of the brain: learning and filtering new information, working with that information, and then storing it for future use.
Read StrategyJul 12, 2016
Expository Writing Across the Curriculum
To begin, if students are going to be able to accurately reflect what they know in writing, they must not only comprehend the text read, but they must also understand the prompt for which they are writing. If a prompt is asking them to explain the role of a character in a story, they need
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