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An educator is reading to young students sitting on the floor.

Sep 8, 2021

Using a Decoding Toolkit to Develop a Common Language

Establishing a Common Language A successful skill progression will begin with phonemic practice and syllabication principles and move toward learning orthographic expectancies (common letter patterns) and vocabulary with the goal of developing sight words and automaticity. However, before engaging in any skill instruction, it is important for students and teachers to ensure that they are

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A teacher and elementary student are seated outside reading orally from copies of the same book.

Jul 19, 2021

Diagnostic and Prescriptive Teaching

How do you do it? “Prescribed instructional goals must flow from assessment, addressing the learner and his/her style of learning, the skills or abilities that must be learned, and the situation and contingencies under which learning will be best facilitated” (Reynolds and Fletcher-Janzen, 2007, pg. 772). In other words, a teacher or administrator must look

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Apr 14, 2021

Developing Number Sense with Number Strings

Number Strings in Practice A small group of fifth grade students gather around a table. The teacher begins the lesson by asking students to brainstorm strategies they know for multiplication. One student shares, “counting by 10s, 5s, any number,” which the teacher labels as skip counting. They review repeated addition (e.g., 5 + 5 +

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Apr 14, 2021

Study Skills to Support Language in the Math Classroom

Although math is the study of numbers, there is much language inherent in teaching this content area. There are many essential math vocabulary terms that students need to understand and categorize. For example, students need to understand and recognize the relationship between the different types of quadrilaterals in order to be able to cut and

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Masked student working on a laptop in a dark room.

Feb 2, 2021

Expect to Worry

There is good and bad stress. Most of us can agree that good stress might be the excitement of planning a wedding, but the persistent uncertainty associated with living during a pandemic is certainly bad stress. The anxiety about getting COVID, the worry of losing a job due to unstable economic times, and the prolonged

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Jan 21, 2021

Assessing Writing: Challenges and Strategies

Unlike a math problem that has a clear answer or a science concept that is backed up by provable facts, writing can be challenging to grade because it is … Creative. Whether the writing assignment is narrative or expository, each writer combines words in unique and creative ways to express their thoughts. Subjective. There are

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A high school student and a teacher seated side by side to work on writing together.

Nov 12, 2020

The Writing Process: Teach the Thinking Phase

1. Collect Sources:  The specific objectives of a writing assignment should be considered when thinking about the source material for students. Is the objective of the task to demonstrate the ability to organize information on a variety of sources? Is it to simply demonstrate what they know about a topic? Or is the expectation for

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Composition notebook with a pencil.

Oct 27, 2020

What are Study Skills?

Study skills include the ability to successfully manage time. When students have excellent time management skills, they can arrive at school and classes on time. They have an awareness of how long assignments will take them and know the appropriate amount of time to dedicate to them. Also, students with good time management skills have

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Two high school students chatting while walking outside between academic buildings.

May 1, 2020

Social-Emotional Learning Activities

Research shows a link between emotional well-being and nature. To support this connection, educators can have students go outside and spend time in nature. Educators can suggest that students take a walk, look for plants or animals, watch the clouds, or take pictures. Middle and high school teachers can also link to their subject area

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Free Resources for Educators

Learn about recent research and explore instructional strategies to support your students with SLD.

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