Landmark faculty, who have years of experience and expertise on our Landmark School campuses, share knowledge and classroom strategies developed at Landmark School and partner with you to adapt them in your setting.

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Instructional Strategies

Benefit for Educators: Gain explicit instructional strategies and resources to help students access the curriculum and build skills in each of the four domains of language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 

Benefit for Students: Build proficient language and literacy skills and strategies needed to access the content and reflect their potential. Gain the independence and academic confidence necessary to make progress. 

Language-Based Classroom

Benefit for Educators: Develop or refine instruction in an identified sub-separate or general education classroom to meet the needs of students identified with specific learning disabilities in reading or writing. Learn and implement a well-planned, explicit, language-based curriculum for your students within a dedicated language-based classroom model. Develop a formally agreed upon set of entrance and exit criteria to ensure that the students learning in a language-based classroom will be appropriately served.

Benefit for Students: Build proficient language and literacy skills and strategies needed to access the content through listening, speaking, reading and writing. Reflect their potential, as well as gain the independence and academic confidence necessary to make progress.

Build a Program

Benefit for Educators: Create a special education program for students formally identified with specific learning disabilities in reading or writing that extends the language-based classroom model throughout the day and across the grade levels. In a language-based program, all teachers collaborate to create consistency of instruction through the use of common language and common instructional practices that explicitly address language goals and objectives and the development of executive function. Skills and strategies learned in the core literacy curriculum are intentionally integrated into all classes.

Benefit for Students: Consistency of skill-based, strategy-based instructional practice leads to mastery of language skills. Students build proficient language and literacy skills and strategies needed to access the content through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Student progress is monitored frequently for academic planning, ensuring that remediation is effective, and identifying when a student is prepared to re-enter the general curriculum.

General Information

  • Description of Partnership: An Outreach faculty member is assigned to take the lead and work in partnership with the school or district. The partnership involves a combination of workshops, small group work with teams of teachers, observation of classes, and direct feedback to teachers.
  • Educator Group Size and Description: Partnership work is applicable for any teacher, in any type of classroom, at any level. Small groups, organized by grade level are recommended.  
  • Length of Partnership: A one- to three-year commitment is recommended. Typically, visits are scheduled every four to six weeks but can be customized based on need.